At Birla Open Minds International School, we recognize the essential role that parents play in the holistic development of their children. We believe that the collaboration between parents and the school is crucial to fostering a positive and nurturing learning environment. Together, we can ensure that students not only excel academically but also grow into responsible, compassionate individuals.
Parents are encouraged to be living examples of the values and principles taught at the school. By modeling positive behavior and ethical conduct, parents reinforce the lessons their children learn in the classroom.
Parents should keep the lines of communication open with the school, informing the principal and teachers of any significant issues at home that could impact their child’s academic or emotional well-being. This enables the school to offer personalized support for each student.
Parents are expected to actively participate in the school’s activities and initiatives. This involvement helps create a strong bond between the school and home, fostering an environment of mutual respect and collaboration.
Parents must respect the integrity of the teaching staff and understand that their actions reflect on the school community. Any attempts to harass or pressure teachers for special treatment will not be tolerated. In such cases, parents may be asked to withdraw their child from the school.
Parents should support the school’s teachings by reinforcing the same ethical standards at home. A harmonious alignment between the values taught at school and those modeled at home significantly contributes to the success and well-being of the child.
The school can achieve little without the active and responsible involvement of parents. To ensure meaningful growth, both home and school must work in partnership, teaching the child the same core values.
Scheduled Meetings: Parents are encouraged to schedule meetings with teachers to discuss their child’s progress. These appointments allow for focused, uninterrupted discussions about academic and behavioral development.
Respect for School Policies: Parents should understand and respect school policies, including attendance, conduct, and academic rules, to foster a productive and disciplined learning environment.